Outcome 02 – Products that accelerate more sustainable lifestyles

Corporate Responsibility Report 2022-2023

Outcome 02 – Products that accelerate more sustainable lifestyles

Like everything else in society, steel must continue to evolve and become more and more sustainable. Our goal is to build a better world with innovative steel products. We use technologically advanced processes that consume less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. We produce steels that are purer, stronger and recyclable. Steel for electric vehicles and renewable energy infrastructure that will support society’s energy transition. 

We are strongly committed to product innovation

Our ambition is to produce innovative products with high added value that guarantee a sustainable lifestyle. More than 50% of the products we offer to our customers today did not exist 7 years ago. We continued our product development program in 2022 and 2023, reaching a number of important milestones. 

A few of our innovative products: 

As a major center of excellence for advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) and ultra-high-strength steels (UHSS), we have invested heavily in product innovation over the past years. In total, this involves nearly 250 million euros to produce the 3rd generation of advanced products through our lines in Belgium such as Fortiform®, Quench & Partitioning steels, Dual Phase High Deformability (DP HD) steels, Martensitic (MS) steels and Jet Vapor Deposition (JVD) coated products. 

It concerns investments in a number of breakthrough technologies, such as the Quench & Partitioning furnace technology on the Sidgal 3 Upgrade hot dip galvanizing installation in Ghent, the JVD technology and the HOWAC-TWICE cooling technology on the Kessales continuous annealing line. Within ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products, these steels are only manufacturable on these two lines, allowing ArcelorMittal Belgium to provide a unique product offer. 

The development of this third generation of high-strength steels was essential to meet the expectations of our automotive customers, to reduce the weight of cars, reduce CO2 emissions, increase safety and respond to the challenges in the electrification of cars. 

XCARB®: our commitment to produce carbon-neutral steel

Our customers are increasingly climate-conscious and demanding green steel. To this end, ArcelorMittal Europe has developed the XCarb® concept, in which CO2 reduction is converted into an equivalent volume of green steel. 

XCarb® will eventually bring together all ArcelorMittal’s products and steelmaking activities with reduced, low and zero carbon emissions, as well as broader initiatives and green innovation projects, into a single effort aimed at achieving demonstrable progress towards carbon-neutral steel. Specifically, it involves 3 XCarb® brand initiatives: 

Across all ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products activities, we invest in a wide range of initiatives to reduce carbon emissions from blast furnaces. These initiatives include our “Smart Carbon” flagship projects, such as Torero (which converts biomass into bio-coal to replace coal in the blast furnace) and Steelanol (which captures carbon-rich blast furnace gas and converts it into ethanol, which can then be used to make low-carbon chemicals). Another example is capturing hydrogen-rich residual gases from the steelmaking process to inject them into the blast furnace to reduce the use of coal.  

These effort-intensive investments lead to significant CO2 savings, which can be passed on to customers in the form of the steel industry’s first-ever certification system. CO2 savings are aggregated, independently insured and then converted into XCarb® green steel certificates based on a conversion factor that reflects the average CO2 intensity of integrated steel production in Europe. The system thus allows customers to purchase certificates added to their physical steel orders, allowing them to report a reduction in their Scope 3 carbon emissions in accordance with the ‘GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard’. 

‘XCarb® recycled and renewable produced’ is designed for products manufactured via the Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) route using steel scrap. ‘Recycled and renewably produced’ means that the physical steel is made from recycled material (scrap) using renewable electricity, giving it an extremely low carbon footprint that can be as low as about 300 kg of CO2 per ton of finished steel when the metal is 100% scrap. This offer to the customer applies to both flat and long products. The electricity used in steel production is independently verified and given a ‘Guarantee of Origin’, assuring it originates from renewable sources. 

ArcelorMittal has established an innovation fund that will invest up to $100 million annually in innovative companies developing breakthrough or groundbreaking technologies that will accelerate the steel industry’s transition to carbon-neutral steel production. To be eligible for funding, companies must develop technologies that will support ArcelorMittal on its path to low-carbon steel production. The technology must also be commercially scalable.