
  • Contact

    Do you have a question or suggestion? Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. 

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    • Contact details

      ArcelorMittal Gent
      John Kennedylaan 51
      B-9042 Gent

      T +32 (0)9 347 31 11
      F +32 (0)9 347 49 07

      Residents of the canal zone can contact a freephone number permanently, 24/7, with all complaints related to port and industrial activities within the area:
      +32 (0)800 92 999

      ArcelorMittal Liège
      Quai du Halage 10
      B-4400 Flémalle

      T +32 (0)4 236 31 11

      Green number – T: +32 (0)479 99 80 80

      ArcelorMittal Geel
      Lammerdries 10
      Industriezone Geel-West, Zone 4
      B-2440 Geel

      T: +32 14 56 30 50

      ArcelorMittal Genk
      Kanaaloever 3
      B-3600 Genk

      T: +32 89 30 18 05

      Follow ArcelorMittal Belgium on Twitter Visit ArcelorMittal Belgium on LinkedIn Watch ArcelorMittal Belgium on YouTube

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      Commercial questions

      Do you have a question about one of our products? Feel free to contact our commercial teams.