Outcome 09 – Pipeline of talented scientists and engineers for tomorrow

Corporate Responsibility Report 2022-2023

Outcome 09 – Pipeline of talented scientists and engineers for tomorrow

Innovation runs in our DNA. It is a prerequisite for continued growth. We are committed to ‘Industry 4.0’, the so-called fourth industrial revolution, in which we continue to push the boundaries of steel making. Industry 4.0 will further fundamentally change the way we work in the coming years. We have all assets required to be at the forefront of innovation: highly qualified employees, high-tech installations and highly automated processes. In addition, we are working with various research centres within the ArcelorMittal group and the educational world to develop new steel grades and new types of coatings.  

Industry 4.0 as our mindset for becoming the ‘steel plant of the future’

Since a few years, a fully automated welding installation is to be found on our site. The welding installation gives new life to worn or repairable parts by means of advanced automation of welding technology.  

We also dispose of a 3D printer with which we can print metal, stainless steel & high-strength steel. The installation is operated by ‘TheSteelPrinters’. The company, a joint venture with ArcelorMittal, was set up at the end of 2018 and, since its launch, has expanded considerably with a larger team and several printers. 3D printers were also installed at ArcelorMittal Avilés (Spain) and Dunkirk (France).   

Collaboration with the educational world

At ArcelorMittal Belgium, 685 engineers are at work in production or maintenance, or in IT, automation, engineering or research and development, whether or not in an international environment. They develop mathematical models to improve business processes, industrialize new products, improve the metallurgical quality of steel products, refine the production process and coordinate maintenance and automation projects among many other things. 

Cooperation agreement between Ghent University and ArcelorMittal Belgium renewed for 5 years

On February 8, 2022, the framework agreement between Ghent University and ArcelorMittal Belgium was renewed for a period of five years. This framework agreement, established in 2016, is aimed at long-term cooperation between the two parties, with a focus on knowledge sharing, training, research and development.  

Both partners are science and technology engines in Flanders and far beyond and, with this extension, want to continue to play a role in sustainable innovation and talent development. As a major player in the steel sector, ArcelorMittal Belgium is continuously innovating and automating its production process, but also developing the latest generation of steel products. The transformation of steel production into a carbon neutral activity is the most important challenge for the coming decades, and the strengthening of cooperation will contribute to this, both by participating in innovative research activities and by intensifying efforts to have graduates of Ghent University find their way to ArcelorMittal Belgium.  

The past five years have led to several bilateral and multilateral research projects and several doctoral studies. Various topics such as material efficiency, energy optimization, big data, well-being at work and the elaboration of a CO2 roadmap towards carbon neutrality are part of R&D. These initiatives reinforce the attractiveness of the steel industry and ArcelorMittal Belgium and show that Ghent University highly values research and innovation with a social added value.  

The University of Gent considers it very important that students already during their studies think about the real industrial needs and complex issues of our society and economy. By extending this cooperation, ArcelorMittal Belgium wants to guarantee the necessary influx of new insights and motivated knowledge workers into the future.  

ArcelorMittal Belgium employs nearly 700 engineers; masters in industrial sciences and masters in engineering sciences as well as masters from various disciplines: economic, computer science, exact sciences… Just over half studied at Ghent University.  At ArcelorMittal we are committed to reduce our CO2 emissions in Europe by 35% by 2030 compared to 2018 and to be carbon neutral by 2050. In order to achieve these objectives, several state-of-the-art projects are started in parallel. To further build our climate neutral future, we are looking for bioengineers, civil engineers, … and many other profiles. It is clear that the University of Ghent is an important source of new talent for ArcelorMittal Belgium.  

Manfred Van Vlierberghe (CEO ArcelorMittal Belgium): “ArcelorMittal Belgium aims to build a better world with smarter steels. Steel made using innovative processes that consume less energy and emit significantly less carbon. Steels that are used to produce electric vehicles, wind turbines and solar panels. Ghent University shares this same passion for innovation and sustainability. The continuation of this unique cooperation will give a significant boost to value creation through innovation. A win-win situation for both parties.”  

Rik Van de Walle (Rector Ghent University): “Research and innovation are among UGent’s core missions. With their knowledge and expertise, our employees are committed every day to helping solve the complex problems of today and tomorrow, and to exert socio-economic impact at an international level. We are delighted that no fewer than 22 professors and 16 research groups, spread across three faculties, are involved in this collaboration. Through such multidisciplinary research, and this with a strong industrial partner, we can achieve even better results. With this collaboration, ArcelorMittal Belgium has chosen a strong partner who “dares to think” and “dares to dream”. It is up to both of us to continue to turn these dreams into actual innovation in the years to come, with a critical eye.” 

In 2022 and 2023, we awarded master’s thesis awards to (bio-)engineering, economical and industrial sciences students. In several fields of study, we awarded up to three prizes, each for an amount of €1,500. All master’s theses with an engineering subject submitted to Ghent University and the Catholic University of Leuven were considered eligible, but especially those master’s theses that made an excellent contribution to innovating or improving one or more of the following topics:  

  • automation of processes, 
  • efficient use of energy, 
  • technological and economic use of material. 

Collaboration with research & development

Our ArcelorMittal site in Ghent has maintained a close collaboration with the OCAS research centre for many years. OCAS is a market-oriented research centre that offers metal-based solutions and result-oriented services to metal producing and processing companies worldwide.  

OCAS anticipates its customer’s needs by developing alloys and coatings, by producing and testing samples and co-develop steel applications.  OCAS is equipped with state-of-the-art R&D tools and facilities in its laboratories in Zelzate and Zwijnaarde (Belgium). The research centre valorises know-how by product and solution development and has a highly qualified team of over 150 researchers and engineers with an international orientation.  

In 2021 OCAS and ArcelorMittal Belgium initiated an intensified collaboration regarding employer branding, proactive workforce planning and employee potential sharing. The HR and communication departments of both Ocas and ArcelorMittal Belgium defined together an action plan to meet these goals.

Unique recruitment event at ArcelorMittal Gent sparks interest among 200 applicants

A unique recruitment event called JobFest took place at ArcelorMittal Belgium in Gent on November 28, November 29 and December 2, 2023. JobFest aims to acquaint job applicants with the company, the high-tech installations, but of course also with the passionate employees in an informal way. The guests of this job-fest therefore got a tasty cocktail of exclusive behind-the-scenes tours and a ‘meet & greet’ with possible new colleagues & HR. All this in a festival jacket, graced by musical talents from various production departments of the company.

Employees who are already working in the company and know someone who is also interested in working at ArcelorMittal could register together with their Refer-A-Friend candidate. This allowed them to proudly show their own workplace behind the scenes and enjoy the live music together. These employees also received a bonus if their candidate has been working for 6 months. Own employees prove to be excellent ambassadors of the company, already more than 50 colleagues come together with an acquaintance, friend or family member to discover the open jobs.

To make JobFest such a success, colleagues from the production departments and the HR department joined forces and the concept was further developed together. Cooperation and collegiality have been trump cards of the ArcelorMittal Belgium team for years, as this successful event once again shows.